Thursday, 16 October 2014

Jersey's Elections (4)--- The Party's Over

The party’s over and it’s now time to call it a day for 7 States Members in what was called Jersey’s first General Election but in name only, because until there is only one category of States Member elected in equal sized constituencies there will never be a General Election in Jersey.

The Referendum result was as expected although possibly the size of the victory wasn't. As most of the elected members have expressed their support for reform it will be difficult to see how any reform can be implemented unless there is only one category of States Member elected in equal sized constituencies.

The closeness in the result of the only Connetable’s election (6 votes) is the very reason why Connetable’s are overwhelmingly in support for their right to retain their automatic right to a seat in the States. By chance I spoke to two St Mary voters yesterday and asked why they were wearing “Vote Yes” badges and Deputy Le Bailly rosettes. They said they were opposing their Connetable because she was spending too much time on States work. Their response was surely a contradiction because one of the reasons given for paying States Members was because it was recognized that States work was a full time job. 

One of the reasons given for Connetable Jackson’s demise at the previous election was because of his time spent on States work. It would seem that “Yes” voters want their cake and eat it.

Whilst there were many personal victories and congratulation to all the victors, I hope they will press for a review of yesterday’s election because the real victor was apathy and endorsed the “Apathy Ahoy” title I gave to my first Jersey Election’s blog.

The actual % turn out is not available at present but I doubt if the overall turnout was over 45 % with some turn outs being under 30%.

Why did so many people decide not to vote? Was it because they are so disenchanted with the quality of the candidates, the obstacles placed in front of them such as voter registration, queueing to vote in the open as experienced by voters in Trinity yesterday, or the confusion caused by an electoral system which has three categories of States Members, 12 of whom are being paid to be part time members of the States and 17 elected unopposed.

Yesterday was another bad day for the ladies with two new faces but one out, and for candidates with an independent or questioning approach. In my first blog I drew attention to 3 candidates who were deserving support for their ability and seeking an Island mandate to enhance their chances of ministerial positions. I am pleased that 2 of the 3 namely Andrew Green and Zoe Cameron were successful but am really disappointed that the third candidate, John Young did not receive the support he deserved.

Three years ago former Planning Chief Officer John Young was elected for the first time. He chaired a Scrutiny Panel, regularly lodged questions and lodged twice as many propositions than the 12 Connetables put together. He also made some valuable contributions during States debates.  Possibly one of the reasons for his demise was his honesty by openly supporting the No Vote. He may have lost the election but his integrity remains intact. 

The same can be said of Sarah Ferguson who has been a formidable Scrutiny Chairman whose panels did keep a close eye on public spending and raised issues such as the grant to the bogus film company and the budget shambles. She could be likened to the Chief Minister of Scrutiny and her defeat will be another loss to the Island.

During last Friday’s "Election Call" on Radio Jersey I was asked whether there could be any upsets. I thought that Ministers Anne Pryke at Health and Rob Duhamel at Planning could be vulnerable. Ann just scrapped in by beating Hugh Raymond by 16 votes but Rob just lost out by 26 votes to Peter McLinton, one of the 4 successful media candidates.

We must also say goodbye to "Crusty" Gerard Baudans who used to sit next to me in the States and also to Nick Le Cornu who because of his “tweet” about a colleague was going to find re-election difficult.

One of the disappointing results was not that someone lost but was actually elected, that person is the former Home Affairs Minister Andrew Lewis. He was the man behind the controversial and unlawful suspension of the former police Chief Graham Power. Andrew Lewis is back but his role in the States will need to be closely scrutinised. He must surely be called as a witness before the Committee of Inquiry so that it can be established which of the two statements he gave to the States and to the Wiltshire Police is truthful.

Given that Senator Gorst topped the poll it will be seen as an endorsement of his position as Chief Minister. Therefore whilst it would be good if his position for Chief Minister was challenged, it will be difficult for any one to defeat him. He has lost the Ministers of Home Affairs, Planning, Education and Social Security, therefore he should be looking to a reshuffle of existing Ministers like Bailhache, Ozouf and Maclean who have an Island mandate, and give Ministerial posts to Farnham, Routier, Cameron and Green. 

It would be an insult to the likes of John Young and Sean Power who have lost their seats, if Deputies, some of whom were elected unopposed, are appointed to Ministerial positions.

In conclusion thanks must be given to the States Greffier Michael de la Haye and his staff for the publication of the Election Manifesto booklet and for the Vote. je website along with the video recordings of the Hustings. 

Readers who wish to see read the results from yesterday’s election will be able to do so by clicking on to the Vote.Je website HERE.


  1. Bob, you have hit the nail on the head:

    "He was the man behind the controversial and unlawful suspension of the former police Chief Graham Power. Andrew Lewis is back but his role in the States will need to be closely scrutinised. He must surely be called as a witness before the Committee of Inquiry so that it can be established which of the two statements he gave to the States and to the Wiltshire Police is truthful."

    Surely, now that he has been elected and will have to once again swear an oath of office, it is incumbent upon him to put this matter to rest once and for all?

  2. Bob,

    Sad to see that Andrew Lewis and his role in the suspension were ignored by many voters, but this isn't the last opportunity to get answers.

    I'm more and more convinced answers regarding the illegal suspension of Graham Power will require a national, overarching CSA inquiry of the type being thwarted and delayed by the UK Home Office. Despite conflicts of interest seen in both of the untenable appointed Chairwomen, arrogant dismissal of survivor input, and endless stalling, some MPs do believe this exposure of the cover-up is inevitable, with Jersey playing a key role in unravelling it. Survivors, activists, MPs and whistleblowers have pressed for Jersey's inclusion, and have documented that as a requirement in the proposed Terms of Reference to be submitted within the week.

    The truth wants out, one way or another.


  3. Good news is that Terry Mac Donald got in. The establishment put him through the mill but he is a rare strong breed. Actually. I think it was the Bailiffs team that got his persecution going and the wrath of the establishment onto him. So good he's in.

  4. No doubt Mr Lewis will stick with his belief that he did the right thing. However since he was last in the States evidence has been collated which shows that his actions were far from credible. Whilst Mr Lewis will have hoped that the matter has been put to rest it certainly has not.

  5. To the Reader who did not want his/her comment posted relating the our voting system. Having voted at Trinity and spending several hours outside the Hall, whilst one can never be sure, I do not believe that anything untoward could have occurred at any polling booth in the Island but I would be happy to discuss the matter with you.

  6. Thanks for another very insightful blog. I hope Mr Gorst has read it.

  7. "Good news is that Terry Mac Donald got in"
    Oh no its not , he was stood at the polling station at Maufant wearing the rosettes of Gorst , Bailanche Ozouf etc etc the very people instrumental in many ways of the problems he had.
    Not even sworn in yet & he has joined the "gang" will make sure a strong candidate stands against him next time but Ozouf will run his campaign for him as long as he stays a "good" boy.

    1. I suppose it should not come as a surprise because it was the like's Bailhache and co that bailed him out with conscience money paid for by the tax payer.

      That said, the matter was a shambles in the first place.


  8. Has the electorate gone mad? They have kicked out the voice of reason and replaced them with a load of right wing voting fodder for the Council of Ministers.

    1. Do you really think Sean Power was a voice of reason? I certainly don't. That is not to say I celebrate this result but at least I've come to expect disappointment following every Jersey election. What I can't understand is who in their right mind voted for Lewis? Town folk should know better, or were they bribed?

    2. Do you think the amount of posters he had up had anything to do with Lewis being elected?

  9. Must be another election coming up as along Trinity Road. Ozouf, Magee and Green have already got their posters up???

  10. I thought voting was a secret affair, that is why we have booths, why then when I collected my voting slips did they write my electoral number on it? surely they can check who voted for this right?

  11. Your comment is one that has been made before. I understand that the reason for so doing is to identify anyone who may have voted illegally if an allegation is made.

    Apparently the stubs are locked safely away whereby there is little chance of anyone going through them to find out which way people voted.

  12. The electoral number is not written on the ballot paper itself. It is written on the stub to show that the person has been given a ballot paper. It is not possible for anyone to find out how an individual has voted.

  13. The highlights for me were Mr. Big Bailhache not topping the poll, and Ozouf having a few stressful hours until 3 in the morning, LOL
    As usual I was disappointed with how the rest of the island voted (or didn't) so I wasn't expecting any great satisfaction. Looks like it will be Business As Usual for the next few years, just like the non-voters were expecting and fully deserve.

  14. The result just proves that no sensible voters take notice of all the negative nonsense written on these blogs.
    In fact looking at States Members on Twitter is just shows that Social Media hampers progression. When will you people ever learn?

  15. I just wonder where you have been and what blogs you have been reading?

    I said that John Young, Andrew Green and Zoe Cameron were worth support. Zoe and Andrew were the only non senators elected and will be loss to the States and Island.

    I understand that some the biggest twitters were Murray Norton and Philip Ozouf. They too were elected. So I'm not sure what you are on about.

  16. To the reader who is obviously an Andrew Lewis supporter, if you would like to put your name to your rude and uninformed comment, I will publish it.

  17. Sadly I won't ever vote again.

    From all I've heard from so many people over recent years, in all walks of life, complaining about the COM & how badly the Island is run & how undemocratic it is, the great Jersey public still vote these clowns back in.

    Has anyone ever admitted voting for Bailhace & Ozouf?

    I regret I cannot compete with this level of stupidity.

    Also, I feel cheated into voting for Zoe Cameron, It transpires c/o Radio Jersey's politics hour, she is the cousin of, & receives advice from, the discredited Ian Le Marquand.

    She kept that one quiet. Disgraceful.

  18. I can understand your disappointment but not voting achieves nothing other than allowing for those you would not vote for to remain in Office.

    I Think you are being a bit hard on Zoe Cameron as she can't choose her relatives. I would have thought that any advice sought would be about how to get elected. I did vote for Ian Le Marquand but his handling of the Graham Power suspension makes me wish that I had not.

    1. I completely agree with you, Bob. Some candidate were not ideal but I used all eight (not for Bailhache or Ozouf) to keep those I did not want out.

  19. Firstly, thank you Mr Hill for a first class blog, in my view of of the best locally. I am, amongst so many others, totally gutted with the results of the last election. Have the Jersey electorate really learnt nothing in the 70 years since the Nazis left? They have just elected the most ultra right-wing, ultra-conservative, fascist government ever. Well people, I hope your pension pots and your savings hold out, because you are going to face price hikes, GST increases, stealth taxes, rampant privatisation of public services, and associated service cuts. If this is what you really wanted, then as Stuart Syvret says, it's the government you deserve. I will continue to vote, but I am starting to feel it's just a waste of time.


    1. Thanks for your kind comment about my blog and there is little that I can disagree with the rest of your general comment.

      I believe that we are in for a few difficult years ahead as money must be found for the shortfalls identified in the budget and you could be right with your predictions.

  20. I could only bring myself to vote for 6 Senators. I have always wondered if those parish officials / blazered functionaries, helpfully fill in the spaces left with a quick couple of X's for Bailhache & Ozouf for us.

    1. It will be interesting to see the outcome of the recount if Sara Ferguson's application for one is approved.

  21. Hope the advice from Le Marquand on getting elected doesn't mean say anything to get in, never answer a straight question when you get there, stamp your feet on reflex with others & vote as you're told by your "betters" for 4 years.

    1. Look to the bright side, the next election is only three and a half years away.

  22. Bob.

    Victim left needing medication and therapy after ordeal at JERSEY CHILD ABUSE INQUIRY.

  23. Time to re-appoint a Child Abuse inquiry (CoI) team who actually show some determination and enthusiasm to get to the truth? ...rather than just go through the motions and unhelpfully wriggling through their arbitrary rules and pocketing OUR MONEY :

    The serious issues highlighted by Deputy Daniel Wimberley are STILL outstanding.

    See his guest posting on:

    Disgusting people.



    Steve Lewis.


    Julie Hanning.
