Monday, 17 June 2013

Jersey's Dean--------Meaningless Apologies

Later today John Gladwin will be setting foot on Jersey soil to interview the Dean and other persons in his attempt to unravel what has now become a tangled mess where the shepherds are more concerned with protecting their corner than their flock. The Visit has come about following a review undertaken by Jan Korris who reported that there were serious failings in safeguarding the vulnerable in Jersey and in particular a lady named as HG.

The people concerned are the Dean of Jersey, the former Bishop and Jane Fisher the Diocesan’s Safeguarding Officer. Public apologies have been given to HG by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the present Dean of Winchester Tim Dakin and more recently the Dean following his reinstatement. However it now unclear whether the apologies are genuine or just a flag waving exercise?  

Way back in March the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby said:” The Bishop of Winchester's swift, decisive and wholly necessary actions following his receipt of this report are to be commended. I too wish to add my own personal apologies to the young woman who was so badly let down by those she had turned to for help and I wholeheartedly support the investigation that the Bishop has launched. He must receive full cooperation from all involved. 

Following the Dean’s reinstatement in April he said: “I regret mistakes that I made in the safeguarding processes and I understand that, upon reflection, it would have been more helpful if I had co-operated more fully with the Korris Review. I now add my own apology to that of the Bishop of Winchester and Archbishop of Canterbury to the vulnerable person at the heart of this matter.”

I have always maintained that unless the apologies are given personally they are meaningless. However it is now highly questionable whether they were apologies at all and my reasons are as follows.

Although John Gladwin will begin his investigation in Jersey today, last Tuesday in London I accompanied HG to a meeting with him and fellow Panel member Christine Daly. Prior to the meeting I had written to the Archbishop via his personal assistant Christopher Smith stating that as HG would be in London it would be an ideal opportunity for the Archbishop, if free to personally apologise to her and also offer some tangible support now that the Church of England had made her destitute. Regretfully my email was neither acted upon nor even acknowledged.

Yesterday morning on the BBC Radio Jersey Chris Stone programme in his interview with the Dean, Chris said that as he had issued a public apology to HG along with the Archbishop and Bishop Dean why had he not apologised personally and what steps had he taken to do so?  (please see comment below)

It was clearly an uncomfortable question which caused the Dean to think carefully for an answer. In summary he said that the public statement was a result of several drafts and the apology was for administrative mistakes. He had not been asked nor had it been suggested and indeed he did not know if in doing so it would be most helpful to apologise to HG. He and the Bishops would have to think most carefully when all the facts had emerged and the clouds in the sky had been removed.

So it would appear that apologies offered by the most senior leaders of the Church of England have to be carefully drafted, no doubt by PR companies which are only intended to be favourable media sound bites and nothing else. In my book that is dishonest, disingenuous and most unbecoming of anyone let alone church leaders who are supposed to be God's representatives.

In his "apology" the Archbishop said that HG was so badly let down, that is very much an understatement. Last Tuesday before John Gladwin and Christine Daly HG was able to give an account of how she was not only a victim of abuse by a Church Warden but also a victim of abuse of process by those charged with handling her complaint. As if that was not bad enough her arrest, detention and deportation would not have occurred had the Dean and former Bishop called on the plethora of specialist in social care to assist them rather than sign the relevant police documents which conveniently removed her out of Jersey to become destitute in the UK.

I am sure that John Gladwin, Christine Daly and Archdeacon Norman Russell will make good use of their first visit to Jersey. Not only will they have to untangled the mess but also learn of the “Jersey Way” which protects the guilty and marginalises those who like HG are brave enough to put their head above the parapet.

I am grateful to BBC Radio Jersey for providing the link to the Dean's interview and complement Chris Stone on manner in which he conducted the interview.

Please press HERE for the interview.


  1. Thank you, Bob. HG

  2. Bob, how is HG? I know she is still homeless, but what sort of support is she getting?

    1. Another question to HG if she's reading this. Did you find it useful to talk to the panel? I hope it didn't re-traumatise you.

    2. Hi, replies to the above comments. I am indeed homeless, the kind of trauma I am suffering means that I cannot cope with indoors and go downhill and get into severe difficulties if I try to stay indoors, I panic in my sleep when I am indoors, maybe subconsciously I think I am locked in a cell, so if I stay indoors more than a night or two I stop sleeping or when I sleep I have nightmares and get distressed and afraid and I remember everything, so I feel safer outdoors, where I suffer considerably less distress.
      I am receiving excellent specialist psychological help, for which I referred myself and pay for out of my benefits and with the help of a charity bursary because the NHS were no help at all.
      The panel were very kind and patient and careful not to traumatize me too much as I told them a bit about what had happened, and Bob was a great support too. HG

    3. HG thanks for your helpful and kind comments.

      Your Jersey experience has been life changing but I am sure you will be comforted by knowing that there are great number of people who are concerned about your welfare and it is good to know that you are coping as best as you can.

  3. Another good posting, Bob.

    I note your comment on Tony's Musings in regard to confidential material on this case. I hope you are not in danger of a police squad raining your property to confiscate them. Nothing would surprise.

    1. Better send the confidential stuff to me Bob, I will keep it safe in my backpack. HG :)


    2. I am sure the Police have better things to do, but thanks for the comment.

      I note HG's comment, but if they were stored in your backback, can I be sure you won't read them on the plane!!!

    3. of course I would read them on the plane, all the important people do! :) HG

    4. hope your ok HG, thinking of you best wisshes nhs

    5. Thanks nhs. I am surviving, though all of this matter is putting me under great stress. HG.

  4. Thanks for an informative posting Bob

    1. Thank you and I hope you are recovering from your illness.

  5. If you have the addresses for people to make submissions to the several bodies currently receiving them together with TORs it would be helpful to publish them Bob.

    1. Tom I have been in contact with the PR company they have kindly acted upon my request, please see the response below.
      The TOR will be as previously published.

      Dominic’s email address is
      It was originally printed in the Jersey Evening Post, although they mistakenly spelled his surname as ‘Kirkby’ in the email address they published. You’ll be pleased to know that an auto-forward has been set up so that emails sent to the incorrect email will still be received.

      Hope that’s helpful.

  6. I am afraid Dame Heather Steele is highly known as part of the Establishment, her presence I am afraid to say in this case does surprise me. Who appointed her?

    1. I too share your concerns and had expressed them in a previous Blog. I am also concerned that Dame Heather is going to be assisted by a States Police Officer. Given HG's experience at the hands of the Jersey police there is a conflict of interest.

      I understand that the appointments are made by the Bishop of Winchester who has yet to publish any Terms of Reference for Dame Heather's role in the investigation.

  7. Dear Bob, it's people like you that keep people like me 'believing' there is good in the little Island that I was born in. My warm regards goes to HG, I was always brought up to believe that when you are wrong, if you apologise, one must mean it. I am afraid Jersey is not very good at apologising. I am still waiting for a proper apology for my lost childhood, I can see a similar pattern in how HG has been treated and it makes me extremely angry. Jersey's Establishment, Just do not get it! it's as if they were brought up in another world, one that makes them superior and therefore not accountable for their actions. Sir Philip Bailhache goes to his Church, he prays at that Church, he himself has made mistakes in his private life and once again his public one. The Man has no idea about 'humanity' and what it means to show emotion, he just doesn't have this side to him. He has put simply 'not a clue'. Can someone please show him!

    1. Thank you for your kind words and I would like to reassure you that most people do have principles and readily accept that when making mistakes they apologise to the person concerned. That is why I am so disappointed that senior clergy have issued public apologies which are not sincere and feel under no obligation to personally apologise to HG. The word hypocrite springs to mind.

      As regards to Senator Bailhache he has had little direct involvement with HG, but his letter to the Archbishop did contain some inaccuracies. To claim that the Magistrate, (Richard Falle) acted with appropriate care and compassion throughout is a travesty. He was the person responsible for her deportation without any means of support.

      It is also apparent that as a result of the substantiation of the claim that he was reading confidential documents on the plane, an apology should now be forthcoming but I don’t think Deputy Trevor Pitman is holding his breath.

  8. I have just heard the Dean's interview, Chris Stone who gave the interview was excellent. I repeat the above point given, the Dean and Philip Bailhache, just do not get it! The Dean's words tell me everything I need to know, Jersey has what is known as a Canon Law, well it's time to show openness with the UK COE, be more accountable, more open. It's time to get out the Jersey dusty Law books, put them in the English Language, open dialogue, and get more people involved other than Philip Bailhahce and the ( Dean who sits in the States Chambers!) Why does the COE represent the States of Jersey? when we have about a dozen other religions in Jersey, Catholic, Jewish.....I know in Italy for example all employees used to have to pay a tax to the Catholic Church, that changed when one person went to court and said I am not religious, why am I expected to pay for a religion I am not! It's time now for Jersey to be a more open, transparent place, it starts here and it starts now! The Dean does not have sincerity in his voice, only his own ego! and I am afraid it shows in that interview..... he is not sincere in his delivery of words, he is not a man of the people, he only thinks he is, oh and he mentions Dame Steele, she is one of them! the Establishment and again it shows in his radio interview and when he mentioned SIr Philip Bailhache his voice only warmed up then! so we know what's happening here don't we! another cover up! Dame Steele is not the woman to lead this, she is known for siding with the Establishment!


    1. I agree with your comments about Chris Stone who had clearly done his home work.

      I also agree about Jersey not being good about apologising. It seems that once people hold office apologising become difficult. I can recall asking States Members to instruct the Home Affairs Minister to apologise to Graham Power after the Napier Report, but I was unsuccessful.

      I had also included the role of the Dean in my proposition asking for a review of the unelected members of the States but following an amendment lodged by Connetable Gallichan on behalf of the Procedures and Privileges Committee, the Dean’s role removed.

  9. Hi Bob well done for all you are doing to help HG it would appear that you are showing more Christian concern for this lady than the Church has done.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, but it would be unfair to tar all the clergy with the same brush.

    2. Bob.

      Why shouldn't all the clergy be tarred with the same brush? Who, from the clergy, has had the courage/compassion (of Jesus) and openly spoken out in support of HG?

    3. In Jersey, speaking out can mean the end of your career, the end of your life and being trapped on a small island where you have enemies.
      Bob, anonymous is just saying that you have shown more concern than the church has, which is true. HG

  10. Hi Bob and HG, it is mention above that the appointments have been made by the Bishop of Winchester. The Bishop does not have the authority to appoint a States of Jersey Policeman. I am sure that if Dame Heather needs an assistant she can bring one. I agree with HG that indeed this her case is a precursor to something far bigger. A lot is at stake.

    1. I don't think there was anything to prevent the Bishop appointing a police officer, but as previously mentioned, as the police had dealt with HG on a number of occasions I believe they are conflicted and somebody else should be appointed.

    2. I agree. HG

  11. Dear Bob,

    I've just read your comment on Tony's Musings where acknowledge that you have been passed confidential documents in your assistance of HG. I can certainly understand how anyone can pass their own confidential documents to a "friend" who is helping them. Likewise Bailhache may have been passed confidential documents legitimately in his assistance of the Dean, another point you acknowledge in your comment on Tonys musings.

    My question Bob is this,

    It is alleged that Bailhache was reading witness statements on police headed paper and also lists of text messages.

    As an ex police officer are you aware of any circumstances when these types of documents would be legitimately in the hands of anyone outside of the police service?

  12. The statements would have been on States of Jersey statement form which would have had the obligatory warning that the writer would be liable to prosecution if he/she wilfully stated anything which was known to be false or did not believe to be true.

    If you or anyone else including the Dean had made a statement you would be entitled to a copy and that is probably why Senator Bailhache had a copy of the Dean's statement.

    1. Was it just the Dean's witness statement that was allegedly seen?

      If, for example, HG had given a statement under caution, under the PACE rules, then she would have had to consent to its release to any parties other than the police and the prosecution. That's my understanding.

      Trevor Pitman's blog, with evidence from the businessmen, just says "Police Witness Statements"


    2. I am a little rusty on PACE but I believe that those who make statements are entitled to copies. So if the Dean had requested a copy of his statement there would be nothing stopping him from forwarding them to his lawyer or anyone else assisting him.

      I seem to recall Senator Bailhache stating that he was only reading the Korris report which he correctly stated was in the public Domain and the businessmen were mistaken.

      It has now transpired that the 2 businessmen met the Ch Minister who believes their version. If that is the case then Senator Bailhache’s version must be wrong.

      Interestingly during Question Time on Tuesday the Chief Minister said he also believed Senator Bailhache but saw no reason to take any action because he claimed that Members were trying to get him to act as investigator and judge in the matter, but that cannot be appropriate.

      It seems to me that the matter is quite simple, if he accepts the businessman’s version then he should request his Assistant Minister (Senator Bailhache) to apologise or sack him.

    3. Piecing this all together from your blog and Trevor Pitman's, and being a betting man myself, I bet you a tenner that you know more than you are letting on, don't you? In fact, I bet you my iPhone ;-)

    4. If I say no will I get your iphone and your tenner?

  13. And the lists of text messages Bob?

  14. Bob, what I fail to understand then if your last email is correct that 'If you or anyone else including the Dean had made a statement you would be entitled to a copy and that is probably why Senator Bailhache had a copy of the Dean's statement". Why has Gorst not said this? and why has Sir Philip Bailhache not said it, instead Sir P said the two witnesses who saw the documents were more or less liars! surely the texts the witnesses said they saw are not for public view? is this yet again going to be another cover up! in that Sir Philip is going to get away with this?

    1. I have read the Hansard report, Sen. Bailhache claims that he was reading the report which can be obtained via the Internet which presumably is the Korris Report which does not give the names which are confidential. If the two men claim that they saw the names on the document that Sen. Bailhache was reading and Sen. Gorst believes them then. If that is the case Sen. Bailhache should apologise.

      Re the second part of your comment, it appears that Sen. Gorst has either not spoken to Sen. Bailhache or if he has he has probably been told to get lost.

      I am sorry but I am not aware of the text messages. I have been trying to speak to Deputy Pitman to clarify the matter but have yet to make contact.

  15. One has to listen very carefully to anything that Senator Bailhache says (with legal mind), he treats each statement with care to ensure he does not say anyone is lying.

    eg: recalls reading the Koris report, does not mean he did not read anything else, nor does he say he did not have such documents with him etc.. However, one smart question on 14/5/13 did close the door, he cannot now claim for example, he had the documents in his hand whilst retrieving the Koris Report, as he has stated:

    "I cannot envisage any circumstances whereby any member of the public could have obtained from me the confidential information that is contained that Deputy Southern and others may have."

    1. The situation is that Sen Gorst believes the 2 business men. It would be helpful if I could speak to the 2 business men as I might be able to find out what they saw and be able to pin point the relevant document. As mentioned above I am waiting to make contact with Deputy Pitman

  16. And the lists of text messages?

  17. For the two people who saw Sir Philip reading information and texts on the plane, the question is where did Sir Philip get access to the texts? is this confidential information? should he have been allowed to read texts on a plane?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Regarding this and the comment above I don't know about the text messages but hopefully that information will be forthcoming when I discuss the matter with Deputy Pitman.

  19. There is a simple solution, Jersey can still be it's own Island but I am afraid the days of Sir Philip creating his own law, ie Canon Law to protect Jersey from the world is now coming to the forefront, The COE have a responsibility to protect the vulnerable, HG if you are reading this, it's because of your pain that Jersey is going to change and without people like you and Bob this would never be out there in the public domain, thank you for your brave stand on this. I hope to meet you some day. Godbless. x

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, I am not sure how or why I have changed anything though. HG

  20. It took one man to take a brave move, and you have my support. At last we can really, really look at Jersey and get some real democracy on our little Island. x

    And Bob it took you too! x

  21. Thanks for your kind words and support. It is just a small first step on what is going to be a long road but it is a start.

  22. For every small step taken a huge step can happen! it's the starting that counts!

  23. Dear Bob, I saw the interview on the 24th June when 3 Men from the UK came over to discuss how the UK can give better Governance. It was very interesting to watch, it seemed they were not listening to Tadier or De Gruchy or Le Couteur. One of the Men was picking at his nails and did not seem to want to engage, as if 'this is really too much work'. We do have quite a battle ahead to get the UK to take on their correct role, it's a first time for them to be discussing across a table in Jersey how the UK does need to take a lead in Jersey making change for the better, interesting to hear from them that Sark with a population of 600 has made very successful changes, The 3 men my as well have been the Bailiff, Jurats and the Jersey Legal system. As they seemed to always ask what is wrong with having a Bailiff, what is wrong with having Jurats, it was very interesting to watch. Very interesting indeed, I expect the 3 men are having dinner with the Bailiff and his pals!

  24. This is not the first time that Panel has been over; they were over here in 2010.

    It seems that the trip is no more than a "jolly" or flag waving exercise which enables the UK to say that it is looking into Constitution matters to keep those with genuine concerns at bay.

    1. My feeling exactly. Screams at you.

    2. Having said that, there is no reason they should not be confronted with the truth. It might not disturb their nights sleep now but if enough of it eventually percolated it might just disturb it in a few years time when they need it most.

    3. Unfortunately if it does not disturb their sleep now, it is unlikely to disturb them in their dotage.
